If you use Pocket for your queue of articles to read, you are probably used to adding those articles from your web browser with their browser extension, or from the sharing icon on your phone, but what can you do if there is an article in an email with no link to a web-version?
If the emailed article also contains a link to said article, the fastest way is usually to just click on the article link, then add that link the way you normally would. Pocket also gives you the ability to forward the email to add@getpocket.com, and they’ll add the link in it to your pocket, but again, what if there is no link?
The trick is to forward the email to page@publishthis.email. They’ll email you back right away with a link they created from the contents of the email. You can then visit this link and add it to Pocket the way you normally would!
And if you do this somewhat often, you can speed it up even more by adding a filter to your email to automatically forward emails from page@publishthis.email to add@getpocket.com. Now adding the contents of emails to pocket just takes one step!
Further optimizations:
- Remove the “Fwd: ” from the subject line when forwarding the message to page@publishthis.email. Otherwise it will show up in the article title, since the article title uses the subject line (which you can also edit further for clarity).
- Also remove your email signature from the message, and anything else from the body of the email you don’t want cluttering the article or published online, like the newsletter header or footer.
This trick can work for longer personal emails you want to queue to read later, but note that the contents will technically be public online. Someone would have to guess the exact url of the post, so it’s not very likely, but it is possible. So just be sure there isn’t any really person information in there.